We are excited to have you back at STRATA!
We’ve made several changes to help your safe return. Please watch the attached 3 minute video, review the below and complete the attached STRATA COVID-19 Questionnaire before your first visit.
Members and Appointments
- Masks are mandatory.
- Please come prepared wearing a mask and session attire. Lockers and change spaces will be open but please help us keep the space. Clean all surfaces before and after use.
- Please fill out a COVID-19 Questionnaire. Sign in Daily
· Please wear full back shirts and shorts long enough that there is minimal skin contact on equipment
· Please bring your own water bottle. We will not be supplying water bottles for the foreseeable future. Our Culligan Water dispenser will be available for us.
· Change rooms can be used. Please clean surfaces with cleaning supplied in the room
- Adhere to physical distancing at all times
- No additional guests
1 on 1 Sessions with Exercise Professionals
· Please use our new BACK entrance. Enter 2-3 minutes before sessions. Please do not come in any earlier than 2 to 3 minutes to the session and leave promptly after the session through FRONT entrance
· No additional exercising is to be done after one on one session.
- Please enter and exit building at the FRONT entrance exclusively. We will have the door locked at all times. Please access facility with your Key Card
- Temporary restricted Cardio Machine access
- Please fill out a CGM Covid-19 Agreement. Sign-in Daily