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Strata Biomechanics Presents

Exploration of the Phenomenon, Physiology,

Research and Utility in Practice

Instructor: Brandon Green


Course Objectives


    •    To explore Post-Activation Potentiation and how we are already unknowingly eliciting the response with current warm-up/preparation procedures


    •    To gain insight into short-term and long-term mechanisms associated with Post-Activation Potentiation


    •    To discuss strategies aimed at preparing skeletal muscles for an acute Post-Activation Potentiation response which may enhance the opportunity for chronic adaptations


    •    To examine Post-Activation Potentiation as Exercise Scientists


    •    To experiment with different approaches that will prepare skeletal muscles for exercise 


Course Goals


  • Empower participants to explore Post-Activation Potentiation as warm-up/preparation strategy prior to exercise/challenge


  • Empower participants to explore Post-Activation Potentiation as an exercise



PAPp Hypothesis


    •    Post-Activation Potentiation may be a neuromuscular mechanism that we, as personal trainers, might be unknowingly utilizing. What might we classify as a benefit?


    •    Post-Activation Potentiation may be an efficient and safe mechanism to prepare an individual for exercise by increasing skeletal muscle force development, rate of force development and sensitivity, and thus may increase active range of motion and passive range of motion.


    •    Post-Activation Potentiation adaptations may be conditioned from a short-term acute response to a long-term chronic response.


    •    Post-Activation Potentiation may be effective to assist in the process of maintaining and improving skeletal muscle. 


Course Schedule - ONLINE


June 13th, 8:30am - 3pm EST




Strata Internal Performance Center

17705 Leslie St. Unit 16

Newmarket, Ontario

L3Y 3E3


Cost: $400 CND (Sign up now for 300 CND)


Click Here To Register





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17705 Leslie St. Unit 16+17

L3Y 3E3

Newmarket, Ontario


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